Intercourse During Menses The good and bad of period sex are& .. After all, it seems there`s nothing to be& ..Sex during periods Menstruation (menses or periods as it is popularly known) is considered `dirty` in our country. ^^ – Ahmad Azwar Anas Jun 24 at 9:44. Ayurveda considers intercourse during menses a cause of reproductive disease. Endometriosis (the migration& . you can also looks a similar& intercourse during menses Methods of Healing Some women don`t even want to hear about sex during their delicate days, usually because of the great pain they suffer. For one thing we are sure about is that it never fails to make you frown upon hearing it.Is sex during menses safe or danger....Avoiding intercourse during menses also supports the apana or downward energy, that I spoke of in the last post.. Albeit messy some& .Avoiding intercourse during menses also supports the apana or downward energy, that I spoke of in the last post.. Albeit messy some& .Many partners have this doubt: whether it is safe to have sex during periods? Haveing sex during periods is normal and healthy.Do you have intimacy issues? Is your sex life normal? Ask any sex and intimacy questions and get honest answers from the community. But others… can be really unstoppable.. Sex is generally safe during menstruation, because it simply blood that is shed in the absence of menstruation Do you have intimacy issues? Is your sex life normal? Ask any sex and intimacy questions and get honest answers from the community. But others… can be really unstoppable.. Sex is generally safe during menstruation, because it simply blood that is shed in the absence of menstruation.menstruation is detoxing bad blood from body, when penetration is inserting `good thing` to body, so I believe that two can`t to be done at one moment. It is still a controversial issue..I`ve come across people who ask how safe sex is during menstruation.In the state of menstruation, it is permissible for the husband and wife to lay together, kissing and caressing is also allowed It is still a controversial issue..I`ve come across people who ask how safe sex is during menstruation.In the state of menstruation, it is permissible for the husband and wife to lay together, kissing and caressing is also allowed.. The good and bad of period sex are& .. After all, it seems there`s nothing to be& . The good and bad of period sex are& .. After all, it seems there`s nothing to be& ..Sex during periods Menstruation (menses or periods as it is popularly known) is considered `dirty` in our country. ^^ – Ahmad Azwar Anas Jun 24 at 9:44. Ayurveda considers intercourse during menses a cause of reproductive disease. Endometriosis (the migration& . you can also looks a similar& animated boobs
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